Detox Food

Fast Track Detox Shopping List

__ Filtered or purified water
__ Unsweetened cranberry juice

Liver-loving foods: (your choices in each of the following categories):
__ Crucifers: cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, broccoli sprouts
__ Green leafy vegetables: parsley, kale, watercress, chard, cilantro, beet greens, collards, escarole, dandelion greens and mustard greens
__ Citrus fruits: oranges, lemons and limes (no grapefruit)
__ Sulfur-rich foods: garlic, onions, eggs and daikon radish

Liver healers:
__ Artichoke, asparagus, beets, celery, dandelion-root tea, whey and nutritional yeast flakes

Probiotic-rich foods:
__ Sauerkraut and/or unsweetened yogurt

Herbs and spices:
__ Ground cinnamon
__ Ground ginger and nutmeg
__ Stevia (powder or extract)

Supplements and nutritionals:
__ Powdered psyllium husks and/or ground flaxseeds
__ Olive oil, flaxseed oil or “woman’s oil”
__ Hydrochloric acid with betaine hydrochloride, pepsin and ox bile extract

Food Choices

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